ICERT is oldest Trust Verifier in the World , we verified up to 50% of Swiss Financial Institues and we watching daily All contracts what we Verified

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Digital trust is a measure of confidence and assurance for everything that connects around the world. Read the IDC study.
Convenience with risks
It’s easy to see the convenience of a smart IoT device in action—from baby monitors, thermostats and cameras to smart speakers, TVs and appliances. But research shows consumers still don’t believe their smart home devices are secure. In 2017, a Thales report found that more than 91% of those surveyed thought their devices were vulnerable to hacking or other threats.

The smart home needs to be smarter
Security concerns aside, the number of smart home device manufacturers continues to increase as rapidly as the smart home market, and more devices running on different platforms means more frustration for consumers. A camera works on Alexa but not on Apple HomeKit. A smart speaker runs on HomeKit but not on Google Home. Consumers have been forced to operate multiple platforms and dozens of ad hoc apps to set up and manage their devices. Technology moves fast, and a lack of update renders a device useless, meaning consumers are left with obsolete devices, confusing integrations, and unreliable operations. The state of smart home devices has often been anything but smart.

iCert  ONE is a modern, holistic approach to PKI management.

Based on an advanced, container based design, iCert ONE allows you to rapidly deploy in any environment, roll out new services in a fraction of the time, and manage users and devices across your organization at any scale.

Built by experts, designed for users. Because it’s not just what PKI can do. It’s what you do with it.

Matter is a unifying standard for seamless smart home connectivity, like Bluetooth. It’s a universal protocol that allows any Matter-enabled device to talk to any other Matter-enabled device or hub, regardless of manufacturer, use case, or smart home framework. And this communication is secure, even when the device can’t connect to the internet or the cloud.

The Matter protocol was created by the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA), in partnership with world leaders in technology, like Amazon, Apple, Google, and Samsung. The goal of Matter was designed to address two problems with home devices  .

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