The Matter protocol was created by the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA), in partnership with world leaders in technology, like Amazon, Apple, Google, and Samsung. The goal of Matter was designed to address two problems with home devices  .


Software supply chain attacks (SSC) are on the rise. If your customers depend on the integrity of your software, then you can depend on DigiCert to secure your software supply chain. We provide secure storage of your code signing keys with role-based access minimizing the chance of an attacker accessing private keys. Leverage a policy-driven approach to releasing software: run a deep analysis of your software binaries looking for malware and vulnerabilities, and then securely code sign the application only if your policies have been met. We deliver:

Enterprise-hardened secure code signing
Threat detection scanning on software binaries
Software bill of materials
Automation for CI/CD pipelines

DigiCert® Software Trust Manager improves software security with code-signing and threat detection workflow automation that identifies and reduces points of vulnerability with end-to-end company-wide security and control in the release process—all without slowing down your DevOps pipelines.

Key capabilities include: 

Secure Keys
Signing keys are safely secured in on-premises or cloud HSMs, protected from theft or insecure key practices, with fine-grained access and usage control options.

Policy Enforcement
Granular roles and permissions with automated workflows ensure compliance with security policy.

Centralized Management
Audit trail of who signed what, when, with full certificate lifecycle handling, facilitates management and remediation.

Integration with CI/CD
Integration with CI/CD pipelines ensures efficient and consistent signing without slowing down development. 

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Threat Detection
Powered by ReversingLabs, advanced detection of threats such as malware, software tampering, and inclusion of secrets in open-source software, proprietary software, containers, and release packages.

Software Bill of Materials
Comprehensive software bill of materials generated from the final software binary for all components within the binary.

DigiCert Software Trust Manager delivers the flexibility and control that enterprises require.

Granular account management and user access controls
Configure workflows that give you centralized control over your security policies:

Configure and standardize workflow features, user structures, roles and permissions
Easy-to-generate dedicated private CA for facilities with site-specific requirements
Enterprise-wide certificate landscape with import and export of self-signed, private and public end-entity certificates from any CA
Easy-to-audit tracking of signing activity with timestamping for rapid remediation

Key and certificate security controls
Prevent unauthorized access and use of signing keys with secure key storage, access, and handling:

Integration with on-premises or cloud-delivered HSMs
Key access profiles that map to key handling needs: production, test, on-demand, offline, open, restricted
Static, dynamic, and roaming usage models
Dual-user confirmation options
Certificate profile templates and workflows
Fine-grained granular key access authorization with multi-factor authentication 

Release process controls
Prevent malware from being injected to build servers, with verification that code being signed during the release process matches a baseline build.

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Threat Detection
Powered by  ReversingLabs, deep analysis of software binaries for threats, software tampering, and other vulnerabilities:

Uses the world’s largest private database of known malware signatures
Scans any type of software binary
Generates a software bill of materials, even for components from third-party open-source and proprietary software
Seamless integration with DevOps workflow
Seamless integration with DevOps workflow
Gain workflow and process security without slowing down agile development objectives:
Native integration with DevOps CI/CD tools, such as Jenkins, Azure Pipelines, Gradle and more via PKCS11/KSPs
Hash signing to reduce latency while keeping code secure
Signing via API, command-line, or console
Common interface to multiple signing tools

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